Hey, gorgeous lady!
What are you looking for? Whatever it is I've got you covered. Grab a diet coke, relax and binge read.
Don’t Give Up: 2 Strategies to Keep You on Track with Your Goals
Have you just about had enough and are ready to give up on the goal you set at the beginning of the year? Or have you already given up? It seems that there is one problem after another that gets in your way. No matter how hard you try, there seems to be something in the way.
Don’t quit! Try these 2 strategies that will help you keep going with your goal.
Finding Answers Through Prayer
Discover how prayer will help you find the answers you are seeking.
Strengthen Your Relationship with God
When women are struggling, they often come to realize that at the core of their struggle is their relationship with God. I invite you to consider that the following four tips will help you improve your relationship with God and grow closer to him.
Secrets to NOT Giving Up
Whatever your desire or goal, you start out motivated and stoked to get what you want. Then the grind sets in and you begin to wonder how much longer until you get it. You wonder if you are even close to getting what you want.
3 Happy Life Hacks Married Women Want Singles to Know
We all want it. We want to know the quickest and easiest way to live a happier life. In this article, some wise married women will share with you their happy life hacks. While not quick and easy they are simple and will increase your happiness.
The #1 Reason You are Stuck in Singleness! And the Solution!
Learn about the #1 reason you are still single. The reason may surprise you. Not only will this article reveal to your the reason to your singleness but will also give you the solution.
3 Ways to Love Your Body Better
Your body image is your relationship with your body. It is how you think and feel about your body and how you believe others see your body. Are you one of the 9 out of 10 women who think negatively about their body? Do you want to improve your relationship with your body? In this article I will share 3 ways to improve your body image and as a result your self-confidence.
4 Truths to Keep in Mind When Everything is Going Wrong
Ever have those days when you are sure "everything is going wrong!" ? When everything is going wrong the joy of life seems to evaporate, you lose hope and your faith is tested. You may even feel abandoned by God. Learn the 4 truths to remember is such times.
The ABC’s of Your Past and Future
When you look backwards into your past, what do you see there? What has been the focus of your past? When you look forward into your future, what do you see there? Do you want to have the same focus as you have had? More than likely, there are parts you want to leave behind and parts you want to take forward. The ABC's will help you know what to leave and what to bring.
3 Must Haves for Self-Confidence
How would your life be different if you had solid self-confidence? What goals would you go after? What dreams would you allow to take root in your heart and head? What results would you create with solid self-confidence? While you were not born with self-confidence, you can develop it.
Worried That Success Is Keeping You Single?
The story of wanting to fit in and to be good enough is a story that plays out in all of humanity. For both women and men. Sometimes we think that the best way to fit in is to tone it down or play small. Is that the only option?
Thinking About Moving to Find Love? Consider These 4 Truths BEFORE Making Your Decision
Are you wondering where all the eligible men are? The good ones? Are you thinking they are somewhere else? Somewhere you are not. Maybe, you think, it's time to move. BEFORE you decide to move, consider these four truths.
3 Questions to Ask God When Life Is Uncertain
What if there was such a thing a God Google? You could type in any questions you have and immediately you would receive an answers. An answer you could trust. And an answer that was the whole answer. But that isn’t the way of it. Let’s take a look at the truth of it.
4 Habits of Women Who Get What They Want
There are women who get what they want! They are women how practice certain habits. This practice is the why and how of getting what they want. Discover the 4 habits of women who get what they want. Then practice the habits and become one of those women.
3 Sexual Foreplay Tips That Will Increase Your Happiness Level
Discover how your time in singleness is actually the foreplay before you achieve your ultimate desire. It is a time to explore yourself and your life, to enjoy the pleasures that are yours right now and to live in patience as you grow and develop grabbing all the happiness life has for you now.
4 Tips to Strengthen Your Relationship with God
Do you ever wonder if God truly loves you? Or, it could be that things are just fine between you and God and you simply want to grow even closer to Him. Discover 4 essentials that will strengthen your relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ no matter your starting point.
Rejection! 3 Tips That Will Help the Next Time You Are Rejected
Rejection is inevitable, but it doesn't have to define you. Discover 3 powerful tips to reframe rejection and strengthen your relationship with yourself. When faced with rejection, don't reject yourself. Learn how to treat yourself with compassion and use rejection as an opportunity to build unshakable self-confidence.
Do You Dream of Getting Married? 3 Questions to Rekindle Your Dream
Do you dream of walking down the aisle? Rekindle your wedding dreams by asking yourself 3 powerful questions - from uncovering your "why" to facing obstacles head-on. Discover how to make your marriage dreams a reality.
3 Marketing Strategies That Will Help You Find Your Man!
Discover 3 powerful marketing strategies to help you find your perfect partner. From defining your target market to showcasing your best self, these tips will guide you on your journey to finding love.