3 Marketing Strategies That Will Help You Find Your Man!
What is the point of marketing? I describe marketing this way: a company has a product that they want to present to their potential customers. Their desire is to share the good thing they have with those who are looking for such a good thing. Marketing is simply finding those potential customers and then presenting the product to them.
Let’s look at you finding a good man through the lense of marketing.
Marketing Strategy #1: Define Your Target Market
Know who your target market is. To find who you are looking for you need to decide who you are looking for.
Rather than just dating anyone and everyone trying to determine what you want and don’t want, take a bit of time to get clear on what you want. Ask and answer some questions.
· Who do you want to be with? i.e.: the qualities, values and accomplishments that you want in your man
· Who do you want to be in that relationship? i.e.: self-confident, a full partner, equally yoked
· How do you want to feel in the relationship? i.e.: safe, attractive, desired, cherished, intelligent, needed, wanted and loved
Taking the time to honestly answer at least those 3 questions, will help you more clearly define who that man is…who your target market is. And this information will help you as you use the second marketing strategy.
Marketing Strategy #2: Go Where They Are
Once you know who you are looking for the next strategy is to go where they are. You may want to start with finding men of your same faith. If that is important to you, you already know that the best chance to meet single men of your same faith is at church.
Not only at Sunday services but all the places and activities that church provides. Singles Conferences, dances, activities, service projects, devotionals, anything that is church sponsored – go. The type of man you want is in those places.
A sure place to meet men who are looking for you is to join dating websites and apps.
More than likely most of your family and friends are similar to you and can help you find your man. Let them know that you are open to meeting men. Let them know what type of man you are looking for and ask them to help you find him. They may even know him.
The point is to have clarity about who you are looking for and then to go where he is and ask others to help you find him.
Marketing Strategy #3: Be Enthusiastic About You
The truth of it…no matter where you go to meet him, be it on a dating app, at a singles conference, on a blind date or whatever, you are going to need a “profile”. You are going to need to sell yourself! Perhaps that creeps you out suggesting that you will need to sell yourself.
But it is true. Just like the men need to “sell” you on who they are, what they can offer and have to bring to the relationship – you need to tell/sell them who you are, what you offer and will bring to the relationship.
Be enthusiastic about you. You need to be sold on you before you can sell yourself to him. And you should be enthusiastic about you. You are a wonderful woman who has so much to offer a man. Your intellect. Your talents. Your experience. Your love. Your humor. Your skills. Your spirituality. Your companionship. All of it.
Be in absolute love with yourself so that you can enthusiastically and authentically present yourself to those men that you find.
Consider that with your intellect, talents, experience, love, humor, skills, spirituality that you don’t need a man to complete you. You are whole just as you are.
BUT and this is a big but…while you don’t NEED a man you WANT a man. There is a difference. You will show up way more authentic if you come from a place of want rather than need.
If you are struggling to love yourself you come across as needy, starving for love and then even if he does express interest, you won’t believe him because you don’t love you. It is so crazy what the brain does. You don’t love you. The man expresses interest and perhaps love. You won’t believe him. Because your brain believes what you have been telling it…that you are unlovable. So, your brain will continue to work to prove you are unlovable by then floating the thought that there must be something wrong with this man! “How can he possibly love me!???”
The hardest person to love is yourself. Once you can do that and look outward it is so much easier to love others. That is the truth of it!
If you are willing to be authentic and vulnerable at the beginning of your search and are willing to be broken hearted that is when you will have the greatest opportunity to be with your man authentically. And when you are willing to be authentic, vulnerable and have your heart broken then you can experience the deepest love and also the deepest pain.
The alternative to having your heart broken is to continue living in hiding.
You don’t want that. You will never find him while in hiding.
And if he breaks your heart, then he simply wasn’t your person. I know that seems simplistic but that doesn’t make it less true. And it would also mean that your person is still alive on this planet and looking for you.