Stop Sitting on Your Dreams - Get Up and DO the Dang Thing!

I love a Sunday afternoon nap. Truth be told, I also love a Monday afternoon nap, a Tuesday nap, a Wednesday nap…you get the picture. I love a good nap.

Notice I said a “good” nap. Because there are also bad naps. Yep, I’m going there.

Last Monday, after a weekend trip to Tulsa, my to-do list was packed—groceries, laundry, cleaning, catching up on courses, a dentist appointment, all the things. And you know what I wanted to do instead? Nap. A long, glorious nap.

But I knew it would be a bad nap.

Not because naps are bad in general, but because I would have woken up feeling guilty, overwhelmed, and frustrated with myself for procrastinating on what I had planned. Sure, skipping my to-do list might have given me temporary relief, but the aftermath? Not worth it.

So, I skipped the nap. I followed my calendar, tackled the list, and by the end of the day, I felt great! Energized, accomplished, and—ironically—rested. That’s because I had followed through on what I had planned when my brain was thinking clearly, not in the moment when I just wanted to avoid doing hard things.

Why am I telling you this? Because the life you want—the fun, fulfilling, love-filled life—isn’t created by naps. It’s created by action.

The Two Types of Action

There are two types of action: passive action and massive action. You need both to create the life you desire.

Passive action is the easy one. It’s reading books, taking courses, attending workshops, journaling, planning—all the things that feel productive but don’t require risk. I love passive action! I devour self-help books and take all the online courses. But here’s the thing: passive action alone doesn’t change your life.

Massive action does. And massive action is scary because it involves risk. It’s putting yourself out there. It’s taking the leap. It’s doing the thing that might lead to rejection, embarrassment, or failure.

Think about it—

  • You can read all the books about confidence, but the real change happens when you speak up in the meeting.

  • You can plan the perfect dating profile, but you won’t find love unless you actually go on the date.

  • You can outline the dream business, but success comes from actually launching it.

Massive action is uncomfortable. It often doesn’t go as planned. You might stumble, feel embarrassed, or even face rejection. But every time you take massive action, you build self-confidence. You prove to yourself that you can handle whatever happens.

Why Massive Action Matters

If massive action is so risky, why do it? Because you weren’t made for a life of sitting on the sidelines. You weren’t created to just consume information—you were made to live it out.

God has been working in your life from the start. He has equipped you with skills, experiences, and strengths to create a life that’s not just okay, but extraordinary. And that extraordinary life won’t just fall into your lap. It requires action.

But let’s be clear: massive action doesn’t mean overworking yourself to exhaustion. It’s not about hustle culture or grinding 24/7. It’s about taking bold, intentional steps forward, even when it’s scary.

And once you start taking massive action, something incredible happens. You stop overthinking. You stop waiting for the “perfect” moment. You just start doing. And each action builds more confidence, more resilience, and more momentum.

Your Next Step

So, let’s get real: where have you been stuck in passive action? What’s the thing you keep planning, learning about, or thinking about—but not actually doing?

Your dream life isn’t waiting for you in another book, another workshop, or another quiet afternoon nap. It’s waiting for you to take the leap.

So, gorgeous friend, what’s your next bold move?


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