The Five Secrets
to living happily single in the Church of Jesus Christ.
You are a single woman.
The question is are you a happy one or an unhappy one?
I lived single until age 52.
A lot of those years I was an unhappy one.
I know what it is like to be surrounded by couples and families and feel you don't belong.
And I know what it's like to want be part of a couple and not be.
It's not fun. It's painful.
Here is the truth, just because you are unhappy now, doesn't mean
you can't be happy now and still be single.
You can live happily single.
I know. I did it.
I figured out how.
Sometimes it just takes knowing what to do.
My 5 Secrets can help you with the "what to do."
Consider being happy now.
Because you can be both: single and happy.
Download my Secrets and begin now.
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Five Secrets to living happily single in the Church of Jesus Christ